For the second time this year, bachelor, and master students from the study program - Painting within the Faculty of Arts in Galati will fulfill the promise to bring to the local artistic scene a new and fresh experimental project: UneXpected. We watch once again how students' concerns for the materialization of their own concepts turn to a wide range of different artistic environments: from engraving techniques (pointe seche - drypoint, aquaforte - etching, linocut) to objects and installations of art or digitally printed textiles.

The third seminar "Strengthening the functioning mechanisms of the Cahul-Reni-Galati tourism cluster" within the project "Development and promotion of green tourism in the Danube sector of the Black Sea Basin (Cahul district, Republic of Moldova; Reni district, Ukraine and Galati, Romania)" took place in Galati on May 19, 2023.

The event was attended by representatives of tourism service providers from the three cross-border regions, but also by the project staff: Mr. Liubomir CHIRIAC, project manager, executive director, IDIS "Viitorul", Mr. Liubomir CHIRIAC. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Cristian MUNTENITA, project coordinator, "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, Romania; Mrs. Liliana IVANOVA project coordinator, Reni Territorial Community, Ukraine, Mr. RENȚA Sergiu, project coordinator Cahul District Council.

"Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati organizes on Tuesday, June 13, 2023, at the Senate Hall of the "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, the Presentation, and Information Session on the calls of Twinning, Hopon, Pathways to Synergies, Disseminatement and Excellence Hubs and ErA Chairs.

The guest of this event is Mrs. Daniela DRAGOMIR, NCP - Horizon Europe, Widening Participation and Strengthening the ERA, who will present the funding opportunities from the Horizon Europe programs.

Between June 5 and 9, at the Faculty of Letters and County Library "V.A. Urechia" in Galati, took place the International Summer School of Francophone Studies "Postmodern Francophone Literature and Identity", organized by Professor Carmen ANDREI, PhD, with the support of DJUG and the Embassy of Canada.

This International Summer School went through an identity itinerary in French-speaking culture and literature, revisited French literature (established, young and immersive writers), Canadian literature (written by natives and representatives of the post-apocalyptic current), Maghrebian and Belgian, but, especially, highlighted the new trends in identity and gender studies. It addressed both a wide audience and specialists who integrate the "francophone" subject in optional FLE courses.

The Faculty of Engineering awarded on Friday, May 19, 2023, during the award ceremony of the National Session of Student Scientific Communications "Anghel Saligny", XVth edition, 2023, the most performing teachers and students. The event is organized annually, around May 21, the day of the spiritual patrons of the Faculty of Engineering, Holy Emperors Constantine, and Helen.

Today, May 22, 2023, the students’ festive courses from the study programs Law and Public Administration (Day) and Part-time Law took place. The first course started at 10.00, in the Aula Magna Hall "Alexandru Ioan Cuza", in the presence of the rector prof. univ. dr. Puiu Lucian GEORGESCU, of the dean of the Faculty of Law and Administrative Sciences, assoc. prof. dr. George Cristian SCHIN and the teachers of the faculty.

The second festival organized within the project "Development and promotion of green tourism in the Danube sector of the Black Sea Basin (Cahul district, Republic of Moldova; Reni district, Ukraine and Galati, Romania)" took place in Galati on June 8-9, 2023.

The event was attended by representatives of tourism service providers from the three cross-border regions, but also by the project staff: Mr. Liubomir Chiriac, project manager, executive director, IDIS "Viitorul", Mr. Liubomir Chiriac. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Cristian Muntenita, project coordinator, "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, Romania; Mrs. Oksana Efimenco, Secretary of Reni City Council, Reni Territorial Community, Ukraine, Mr. Rența Sergiu, Project Coordinator Cahul District Council.

Dozens of representatives of national and international sports forums, researchers from university sports centers in the country and abroad, students, participated today in the opening ceremony of the european fieps congress and of the International Scientific Conference "Sport, Education, Culture – Interdisciplinary Approaches in Scientific Research".

"It is an honor for me to welcome participants from over 40 countries. I am convinced that there will be three days of hard work and presentations at the highest level. In the educational process, the field of physical education is an extremely important one because it is in collaboration with all other areas of education", said the rector of the "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, prof. univ. dr. ing. Puiu-Lucian GEORGESCU.

The XIth edition of the Doctoral Schools Conference will take place on June 8 and 9, 2023 at the "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati and will take place both online and in the halls of the D Corps of the Faculty of Engineering. The scientific event aims to present and debate the research results of doctoral students from universities in the country and abroad in order to develop partnerships in the field of research, innovation, and technology transfer.

Between May 17 and 19, 2023, the third edition of the extracurricular technical-scientific student contest Engineering Graphics with AutoCAD took place and it was organized by the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering of University “Politehnica” of Bucharest. "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati participated in the competition with 9 students, 6 students from the Faculty of Engineering, one student from the Faculty of Naval Architecture and 2 students from the Faculty of Engineering and Agronomy Braila, guided by Senior lecturer Silvia VERESIU, Ph.D.