The Faculty of Letters of the "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, through the Doctoral School of Social and Human Sciences, the Center for Research on Intercultural Communication and Literature, the Interdisciplinary Center for Central and South-East European Cultural Studies (ReForm - DJUG), organizes the XIV edition of the "Andrei Grigor" International Colloquia. The partners of the higher education institution in Galati are the Institute of History and Literary Theory "G. Calinescu" of the Romanian Academy and the Institute of Philology Romanian "Bogdan Petriceicu-Hasdeu" of the Ministry of Education and Research, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova.

The scientific event will take place on May 26-27, 2023 and will have as theme: "The current Romanian cultural space – critical resettlements and European confluences", in an attempt to emphasize the importance of the act of culture, of the production, dissemination and reception of literature, especially in the current post-pandemic context, as an undoubted sign of the balance of the human individual in relation to himself and to the world to which he belongs.
"We want to emphasize how the Romanian cultural space (with all its components) is redefining itself from the perspective of critical resettlements, without abdicating from the imperative of aesthetics and the relationship of complicity with traditional and non-traditional readers – lovers of printed books or followers of the electronic document. The colloquia organized in memoriam Andrei Grigor, our former Dean, prof. univ. dr. Nicolae Ioana, bring together writers, literary critics, teachers, students, master students, doctoral students and all those interested in the dynamics of current literary writing and its circulation in different cultural spaces", said prof. univ. dr. Nicoleta Ifrim, director of the Doctoral School of Social and Human Sciences and co-organizer of the event. 
The thematic areas of interest of the event are:
  • Dynamics of concepts related to literary, cultural, and socio-human studies and resignification of the main ideological coordinates in the era of digitization.
  • Current literature – orientations and trends in post-pandemic context.
  • Cultural and social memory reflected in literature.
  • Literature – carrier of urban culture of memory.
  • Virtual literature and its forms.
  • Literary criticism and the challenges of the Internet.
  • Young literature in the context of digitization.
  • Cultural studies and the impact of digitalization trends.
  • Language challenges in the age of digitalization.
  • The conference proceedings will take place on-site (AS 111 / AS 105 - Faculty of Letters, Domneasca no. 111) and online (via Skype -  The selected papers will be published in the journal Communication interculturelle et littérature, indexed in databases important for philological research.