Protect yourself! Avoid direct contact!

Avoid crowded areas where you are exposed to direct contact and/or interacting with numerous people, public gatherings, queues, traffic areas, recreational areas.

Limit any direct contact with other people to the maximum, by gestures such as:  handshaking, hugs, hand-kissing or kissing the cheeks, touching faces with hands.

Avoid touching surfaces that are frequently touched by other people like handrails, doorknobs, handles, elevator and access buttons. In case you have to touch these surfaces, protect yourself by using tissues.

Keep a significant distance of 2 meters from the people you meet. In case you use public transport, try NOT to stand face-to-face with other people.

Make sure that you have sanitized your hands before you touch your face, nose, or mouth, after you have used the public transport.

Use routes or alternative means of transport as far as possible to avoid crowded areas. In case the program allows, use low-traffic periods. For small distances, use alternative means of transport, either by bicycle / electric kick scooter or by foot.

Limit the use of cash and coins, choosing to pay by credit card/smartphone or online payments.Use the face mask / surgical mask. The face mask must completely cover the nose and mouth of the person who wears it.

Wash your hands with water and soap for at least 20 seconds after any contact with a potentially contaminated surface.

Use paper towels to wipe your hands.

Do not touch your eyes, nose, or mouth if your hands are not clean.

If you sneeze and cough, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue and throw it in the bin after use.

Frequently disinfect the surfaces you come in contact with, with alcohol or chlorine solution, both at home and at the faculty.

Ventilate multiple times a day the room in which you carry out your activities.

Do not drink from the same bottle / glass with other people and do not use the same cutlery.

Do not have direct contact with people who are isolated at home, even if they do not have specific coronavirus symptoms.The virus can be also spread by seemingly healthy people who do not know that they carry it.

Stay home/at the student dormitory if you have flu or cold symptoms (cough, fever, difficulty in breathing). In case of emergency, call 112! It is preferable to stay at home and wait for the transfer to the hospital to be organized in compliance with all isolation safety measures.