The Administration Council of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati conducts its activity according to the provisions of the National Education Law no. 1/2001 and to the University Charter.

The members of the Administration Council are: Rector, Vice-rectors, deans, the general administrative director and a student representative appointed by the university’s student organizations.

The Administration Council ensures the operational management of the university. It is led by the Rector. The Rector may invite the representative of the trade union, the representatives of student organizations or any other person who may be consulted at the meeting of the Administration Council.

The Administration Council applies the strategic decisions of the university Senate and exercises specific attributions conferred by the regulations in force.

Also, the Administration Council:
  1. establishes the institutional budget;
  2. approves the budget execution and the annual balance sheet;
  3. approves the proposals for dismissal of teaching and research positions;
  4. approves the proposals of new study programmes and proposes to the university senate the liquidation of the study programmes that no longer fit in with the university’s mission or that are inefficient academically and financially;
  5. approves the financial operations that exceed the limits established by the university senate;
  6. proposes to the university senate long-term and medium-term university strategies and policies in interest areas of the university.
The Administration Council meets, at the Rector's initiative, whenever is necessary.