On 20.12.2022, the first online working meeting of the Erasmus+ DEBATE project, funded by the Spanish Service for the Internationalization of Education (SEPIE), took place. The project coordinator is ESIC University, Spain and the partners are ESE, Ensino Superior Empresarial, LDA., Portugal, Asociacion de innovacion emprendimiento y tecnologias de la informacion y la comunicacion (INNETICA), Spain, Kultur Egitim ve Proje Dernegi, Turkey, University of Peloponnese, Greece and "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati.

"Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati occupies the 11th place in the University Metaranking for the year 2022. "The increase in concern for research at DJUG is reflected in the score obtained in recent years, from 1 in 2019, to 3 in 2021, to 4 in 2022, that is, a 400% progress has been registered in recent years, which makes us happy", explained university Professor Puiu Lucian GEORGESCU, Rector of "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati.

On Thursday, December 8, 2022, in the meeting room of the Galaţi County Council, the "Writers' Gala" took place, a project organized by the Galați County Council in partnership with the Romanian Writers' Union, the South-East Branch, and “Dunarea de Jos " Cultural Center. The jury, made up of writers from the South-Eastern Branch, awarded 10 prizes and cultural distinctions to writers from the south-east of Romania, prizes for Poetry, Prose, Translations, Literary Chronicles, Cultural Events, the Writer of the Year prize and the Opera Omnia prize.

The Faculty of Letters within the DJUG organized again, this year, at the initiative of Professor Antoanela Mardar Ph.D. a multilingual and multicultural workshop dedicated to winter celebrations and entitled, suggestively, Winter Celebrations around the World.

Special guests of this event, co-organized by Associate Professor Elena Costandache Ph.D. from the Department of Language and Literature and French and Reading, Lecturer Lidia Necula Ph.D. from the Department of English, there were Fulbright Lecturer Amy Biedermann, Italian Language Lecturer Carla Dodi, Chinese Language Lecturer Danyao Xie, and, last but not least, FLE Lecturer Zouhair Hariq, who was the very active representative and involved of AUF within the Faculty of Letters of DJUG during October 2018 - May 2022.

The National Day is a solemn moment, when we must all look back with pride, admiration, and gratitude for those who gave us the chance to live today in Romania.

The 1st of December is also the moment when we are obliged to unite our thoughts and forces so as to carry over to the future the legacy we have received.

Dear students,

The day dedicated to you represents, for the university, the recognition of the importance you have in our academic community, of the human, moral and professional values you carry, and of the active teacher-student partnership we all wish to honor.

The implementation team of the NANOPURIMON project - "Advanced approaches based on nanotechnology for the purification of wastewater from organic pollutants and their monitoring in water bodies", with the code 2SOFT/1.2.139 financed by the European Union within the Joint Operational Program Romania - Republic of Moldova 2014 -2020 participated in two international exhibitions: the European Exhibition of Creativity and Innovation "EURO INVENT" held in Iași, Romania on May 28 and the 26th International Inventive Exhibition "INVENTICA 2022", held in Iași, Romania, on the 22 - June 24, 2022.

Two students from the Faculty of Engineering were awarded at the National Engineering Graphics Competition with Autodesk Inventor, organized on November 10, 2022, by the Faculty of Engineering and Agronomy from Braila within "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati. The competition was held online on the Microsoft Teams platform. Students from different university centers participated, namely the "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University from Iași, the University of Craiova, the "George Emil Palade" University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Sciences and Technology from Târgu-Mureș and "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati.

During the 20th Edition of the International Salon of Scientific Research, Innovation and Invention PRO INVENT 2022 from Cluj-Napoca, organized by the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, the Faculty of Food Science and Engineering within "Dunarea de Jos" University" of Galati, participated with five innovative products that are in the patent stage.

The Liaison Office of the European Parliament in Romania, together with “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati and with the support of UROPE DIRECT Galati, organizes on November 21, 2022 - 11:00 a.m. an event in the framework of the campaign dedicated to young people from Galati and the entire region.