Between 16 and 22 October 2023, the registration regarding the students in the selection for Erasmus+ mobility in the second semester (2023-2024) will take place. The selection is NOT addressed to the students that are in the 1st year of the bachelor's degree. They can participate in the upcoming March 2024 selection.

More details on the calendar, online application form, eligibility and selection criteria, application, and selection procedure, etc.:

Between 16-18 October 2023, the Erasmus+ Office of "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati organizes the Erasmus+ International Student Welcome and Orientation Days event. The main theme is both the promotion of the Erasmus+ Student Learning Mobility Program and the fundamental principles of the Erasmus Charter: inclusion and diversity, equity, transparency, digitalization, active citizenship, and environmental protection.

Over 1000 high school students from Braila municipality, participated yesterday at the “Student #DJUG” Educational Fair organized in the lobby of the Faculty of Engineering and Agronomy in Braila. The opening of the event was attended by the local and county officials, representatives of the management of the County School Inspectorate, but also by partners from the business environment, who supported the organization of this important event to recruit future students.

Within the project Internationalization through education and research at the "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati – IDEI (UGAL)^23, code CNFIS-FDI-2023-F-0486, between October 11-17, 2023, an international mobility contest is held, for which bachelor, master and doctoral students enrolled in any program or field of study at the "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, and the ones who accept to apply, will be eligible, later, for an Erasmus+ mobility program.

The latest Top World Ranking of Scientists 2% of the most important scientists in the world (ranking made by Stanford University, along with Elsevier Publishing House and SciTech Strategies) was published on

The educational, research and social involvement activity of "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati (Ukrainian refugee crisis) was appreciated in the European Parliament. The delegation of the University, consisting of the Rector of the University, Prof. Puiu-Lucian GEORGESCU, PhD, and the Vice-Rector responsible for Institutional Relations and Strategies, Assoc. Prof. Alexandru NECHIFOR, PhD, had several working meetings with MEP Dan NICA and members of the EP Committee on Industry, Research and Energy.

Students of tenth, eleventh and twelfth grades from Braila County high schools are expected on Wednesday, October 11, at the "Student #UDJG" Educational Fair in Braila, to find out details about the study programs and accommodation conditions on campus offered by "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati. The action will take place between 10.00-16.00, at the headquarters of the Faculty of Engineering and Agronomy in Calea Calarasilor, nr. 29.

Today, October 6, 2023, Creative Hub was inaugurated on the ground floor of building G. This is a space where the students will be able to work and interact during breaks between classes, having created all the necessary conditions.

The investment was made entirely from the funds of the Arabesque company, within the existing partnership with the Faculty of Automation, Computers, Electrical Engineering and Electronics of "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati.

The Student Cultural Innovation of Galati is theperfect event if you want to try something new, discover more about the countries of the world, have fun with new friends, take part in interactive activities or learn more about our University. The event is addressed to the students enrolled at DJUG and are a part of the series of the extracurricular projects.

Organized by the Students' Cultural House of Galati, with the support of the Ministry of Family, Youth and Equal Opportunities, CULTLIFE is a campaign created to prevent and combat the consumption of alcohol, tobacco, drugs, and other harmful substances among young people. The event will take place today, on World Education Day, in the "Al. I. Cuza" Student Campus in Galati, between dormitories D and H, starting at 17.00.