“Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati obtains the international recognition of its academic prestige, by including in IMPACT Rankings 2021, a world ranking made by the British publication Times Higher Education (THE).
Our institution occupies the 5th position in the ranking of the 10 prestigious universities in Romania.

April 23rd, 2021, the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration celebrates 31 years of economic university education at Galati. The establishment of this faculty within “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati represented recognition of the continuity of economic education in our region, initiated in 1864 by the opening in Galați of the first commercial high school in the country.

“Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati was included this year in the Times Higher Education 2021 ranking, Emerging Economies University Rankings Section, published earlier this week. Universities from emerging economies, classified according to the London Stock Exchange’s FTSE Group, were considered in the evaluation.

The dream of chocolate lovers has come true! Consumers now have a sugar-free, protein-rich product with a number of special ingredients. And this is due to the work of more than a year of a team of researchers from the Faculty of Food, Science and Engineering at "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galați, who created a recipe for protein chocolate. The product has no sugar or preservatives and  it contains a high percentage of balanced proteins in terms of the presence of essential amino acids.

Although the current legislative context does not allow the organization of large-scale live events, the organizers managed this year to transpose online one of the largest medical events, targeting approximately 1,000 participants simultaneously - European Conference on Psychiatry and Mental Health GALATIA 2021 will took place on April 21-25, online - thus becoming accessible from anywhere in the world.

On the occasion of its 60th anniversary, the Francophonie University Association wishes to involve students from its 1007 member establishments in the creation of a logo for its 60th anniversary by organizing a competition.

The competition is open to students registered for the 2020-2021 academic year in a higher education and research institution that is a member of the AUF and participants must provide a copy of their student card or a copy of their registration certificate for the 2020-2021 academic year.

Professor Eugen RUSU, Ph.D., director of the Council for Doctoral Studies at “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati and corresponding member of the Romanian Academy, will talk about renewable energy in the marine environment in the first edition of 2021 of the conference series „Moștenirea lui Asachi” (Asachi’s Heritage) organized by Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi, together with academician Bogdan SIMIONESCU, vice-president of the Romanian Academy.

The Rector of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, Professor Puiu-Lucian GEORGESCU, Ph.D., and the Vice-rector for University strategies and partnership with students, Associate professor Ciprian VLAD, Ph.D., were on February 18 at a work meeting with the representatives of Yazaki Romania, the subsidiary in Braila of the Japanese concern. The university’s management discussed with the representatives of the company aspects concerning the company’s need for specialized staff and hiring the university’s graduates, plus developing study programs adapted to the profile of the Japanese company.

February 19 is considered officially national holiday. In 1876, on this day, in Hobita, the Romanian sculptor Constantin Brancusi was born who, alongside Mihai Eminescu, Nicolae Grigorescu and George Enescu had an important contribution to the development of modern and contemporary culture and to the recognition of Romanian spirituality abroad. Students and professor from the Faculty of Arts of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati have participated in debates and artistic activities, thus marking this fundamental moment in Romanian culture.

Professor Puiu-Lucian GEORGESCU, Ph.D., the Rector of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati visited the Republic of Moldova, between 10 and 11 of February, where he was accompanied by a delegation formed by Associate professor Gina Aurora NECULA, Ph.D., the Dean of the Cross-Border Faculty, Associate professor Mariana Carmelia Bălănică-Dragomir, Ph.D., Head of the Department of Applied Sciences within the Cross-Border Faculty and Mr. Ionel Constantin MITEA, university assistant within the same faculty.