The Francophonie University Association invites students to apply for professional internship mobility in order to acquire skills that will facilitate their professional integration.

The call for candidates is open from January 23 to March 13, 2020.

Professional internship mobility is granted for a period of 1 to 3 months, to be carried out between April 1 and December 18, 2020.

Junior Achievement Romania invites students from "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati to join the international competition of young entrepreneurs: JA Bussines Plan Challenge 2020 - addressing those who want to create a business concept and JA Company of 2020 - addressed to those who want to develop a business concept on the market, by launching and running pilot companies or a start-up.

The competition takes place online, according to the following calendar:

1. JA Business Plan Challenge 2020:

Francophone University Association for Central and Eastern Europe and the French Institute of Romania have launched the call for applications for the 4th edition of the contest My thesis in 180 seconds.

This contest allows PhD students to present their research topic in French using simple words in front of a profane and varied auditorium.

Each student must do in 3 minutes a clear, concise and convincing presentation of his/her research topic with the help of one slide.

A new facility at the Faculty of Naval Architecture and for “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati: the aerodynamic tunnel which will complete the academic and research base of the university.

The inauguration will be today, December 16, at 11.00, on Calea Prutului no. 3.

Between the 16 and 18 of December, there will be a special open doors event at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports which celebrates the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the faculty.

The event starts today at 10.00, in room A01, with a gathering Oameni de succes – absolvenții facultății noastre (Successful people – graduates of our faculty) and it will continue at 11.00 with an interesting debate called Studenții șoferi și pietoni prudenți (Student drivers and cautious pedestrians).

Tuesday, at 12.00, in room A01, Informare și consiliere în Olimpism (Information and advice in Olympism) event will take place and at 13.00 the participants can find out about Inițierea unei afaceri în sport (Starting a business in sports).

This project aims to resize the academic expertise in the context of the Eastern neighborhood of Romania, especially in the relationship with the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine. Increasing international visibility of regional problems and understanding them at political and strategic level, identifying national long-term positions and interests are sine qua non elements in formulating a coherent national and regional policy discourse.

On the same note, the review of the European Neighborhood Policy (ENP) - and the Eastern Partnership in particular - has been the subject of numerous public consultations bringing together contributions from Member States, EU institutions, international organizations but also civil society, which reconfirms the need to reevaluate the ENP.

Following the elections for the position of rector of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati held on 10.12.2019, the total number of valid votes cast was 669, of which:

  • 292 votes for Professor Ion CORDONEANU, PhD;
  • 377 votes for Professor Lucian Puiu GEORGESCU, PhD.

Are you a student at “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati and you are having problems with French? Or you just want to learn a new language? You are invited to free French courses for beginners (A1 level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) which will take place each Tuesday, at 18.00, at the Faculty of Letters, room AS210.

The course is for students of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati and it is organized by the Lifelong Learning and Technological Transfer Department, Centre de réussite universitaire (CRU) and by the Department of French Language and Literature from the Faculty of Letters.

On December 7th, Studioul de Operă „Leonard" (the Opera Studio "Leonard) will be inaugurated. This is a bold project fulfilled by the team of “Nae Leonard” National Opera and Operetta Theater in collaboration with “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati and with the Faculty of Arts, institution which represents a nursery of young talents, who for a few years began to assert themselves on the stage of the Galati Theater.

The Opera Studio will have a constant program of performances, the organizers wishing to present unique concerts and why not, entire opera, operetta or musical performances, made entirely with the participation of the students of the Faculty of Arts.

The Danube Growth Initiative contest is at the second marathon event for Galați ( On 12 December, at 9.30, at Danubius University, a second hackathon will take place, where people who wish to implement their business ideas in areas belonging to the blue economy (environmental protection, public food industry, tourism, IT, naval) can participate.

The Danube Growth Initiative contest ( is an entrepreneurial competition launched by the City Hall of Galați within the BLUACT project (BLUegrowth cities in ACTion), in which “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati is partner.