Procedure IOSUD – UDJG – 001 on granting and revoking the membership of doctoral schools within IOSUD
"Dunărea de Jos" University of Galaţi
The procedure details the manner of granting and revoking the membership of the doctoral schools within IOSUD – ”Dunărea de Jos” University of Galați (IOSUD-UDJG).
The procedure is applied at the level of the Doctoral School of Mechanic and Industrial Engineering, the Doctoral School of Fundamental and Engineering Sciences, and the Doctoral School of Humanities within IOSUD-UDJG.
The present Procedure on granting and revoking the membership of doctoral schools within IOSUD – UDJG was adopted in accordance with:
  • OMEN no. 3121 of January 27th 2015 on organizing and performing the process of obtaining the habilitation certificate, the Methodology on organizing and implementing the process of obtaining the habilitation certificate of January 27th 2015,
  • Regulations on obtaining the habilitation certificate in “Dunărea de Jos” University of  Galaţi (IOSUD-UDJG), approved by Senate Ordinance no. 29 of 14/05/2015
  • National Education Act  no. 1 / 2011, with subsequent alterations and amendments.
  • Law no. 288/2004 on organizing university studies, with subsequent amendments and completions. 
  • Order of the National Education Minister no. 5.110/2018 on approving national minimal standards for the granting of PhD title 
  • Government Ordinance no. 681/2011 on approving the Code of doctoral university studies.
  • Order no. 5381/2016 of 29 September 2016 on altering the Regulations of organization and operation of the National Council of Attesting the University Titles, Diplomas and Certificates, approved by Order of the Minister of National Education and Scientific Research no. 3482/2016.
  • Order no. 3482/24.03.2016 on certain organization and operation measures of the National Council of Attesting the University Titles, Diplomas and Certificates.
  • Order no. 3485/24.03.2016 on the list of CNATDCU-acknowledged programs used by higher education institutions organizing doctoral university studies and the Romanian Academy, in view of deciding the similitude degree of scientific papers.
  • Emergency Government Ordinance no. 4/2016 on amending the National Education act no. 1/2011.
  • Government Order. HG 134/2016 on amending and completing the Code of doctoral university studies, approved by  HG no. 681/2011.
  • Institutional Regulations on organizing and operating doctoral university studies in the doctoral schools of “Dunărea de Jos” University of  Galați, approved by Senate decision no. 12/10.04.2014;
  • Emergency Ordinance no. 49/2014 on instituting measures in the field of education, scientific research, and the amendment of norms.
  • Government Act no. 778/2015 on the fields of doctoral university studies within higher education institutions.
4.1. General provisions
(1). The organization of the process of grating or revoking the membership of Doctoral Schools within IOSUD - Dunărea de Jos University of Galaţi takes place according to the provisions of national legislation and the present procedure.
(2). The present procedure is applied to the teaching staff/ researchers, doctoral supervisors, who have acquired the title of doctoral supervisors, tenured or affiliated:
  • who want affiliation to IOSUD - Dunărea de Jos University of Galaţi – the Doctoral School managing the doctoral field aimed at;
  • Who are revoked the membership of a Doctoral School through the decision of the Doctoral School Council, endorsed by the Council of Doctoral University Studies, and approved by the Senate of the  Dunărea de Jos University of Galaţi.
4.2. Organizing and implementing the affiliation process 
(1). The tenured teaching staff/ researchers, doctoral supervisors/ who obtained the habilitation certificate may request affiliation/ membership to a doctoral school within IOSUD - Dunărea de Jos  University of Galaţi.
(2) In case the request comes from a tenured teacher in UDJG who obtained the habilitation in IOSUD – UDJG, according to the habilitation standards in force at the moment of submitting the request, the affiliation file shall contain the following:
  1. Standardized IOSUD - UDJG affiliation form, signed by the candidate, drawn up according to the regulations in force, in printed form,
  2. Europass Curriculum vitae, signed by the candidate, in printed form,
  3. Copy of the Minister Order containing the granting of the Habilitation certificate and/or the quality of doctoral supervisor.
(3) In the event that the candidate is a tenured professor in UDJG and was granted the habilitation certificate and/or doctoral supervision in another IOSUD, the affiliation file shall contain the following:
  1. Standardized form for IOSUD – UDJG affiliation, signed by the candidate, drawn up according to the regulations in force , in printed form, 
  2. Europass Curriculum vitae, signed by the candidate, in printed form,
  3. Copy of the Minister Order containing the granting of the habilitation certificate and/or the quality of doctoral supervisor,
  4. Documents attesting the completion of minimal standards of academic performance calculated and accounted for according to the minimal standards set by CNATDCU specific to the field and I force at the moment of the affiliation request. These documents should be signed by the candidate, in print and electronically (scan/pdf), containing the statutory declaration in regard to completing the minimal CNATDCU standards specific to the field and in force at the date of the affiliation request.  
(4) In the event that the request is made by a teacher from another institution of higher education/research who obtained the habilitation certificate and/or doctoral supervision from IOSUD - UDJG, the affiliation file shall contain the following:
  1. Standardized request form for affiliation to IOSUD - UDJG, signed by the candidate, drawn up according to the regulations in force, in print,
  2. Approval of the Senate of the institution of higher education/ Romanian Academy/ the management of the institution where s/he is tenured, regarding the affiliation to IOSUD – UDJG,
  3. Proof of tenured employment in accredited higher education/ Romanian Academy/ another institution,
  4. Europass Curriculum vitae, signed by the candidate, in printed form,
  5. Copy of the Minister Order containing the granting of the habilitation certificate and/or the quality of doctoral supervisor,
  6. Documents attesting the completion of minimal standards of scientific performance calculated and justified according to the CNATDCU minimal standards specific to the field and in force at the date of the affiliation request. These documents should  be signed by the candidate in printed form and electronically (scan/pdf) and include the statutory declaration regarding the completion of minimal standards set by CNATDCU specific to the field and in force at the date of the affiliation request.
(5) In the event that the request comes from somebody who is a tenured teacher of another higher education institution/ research institution, and obtained the habilitation certificate and/or the doctoral supervision right in another IOSUD, the affiliation file shall contain the following: 
  1. Standardized form requesting the affiliation to IOSUD - UDJG, signed by the candidate, drawn up according to the regulations in force, in printed form;
  2. Approval of the Senate of the higher education institution/ Romanian Academy/ the management of the  institution of tenure, regarding the affiliation to  IOSUD – UDJG,
  3. Proof of tenure in accredited higher education/ Romanian Academy/ another institution,
  4. Europass Curriculum vitae, signed by the candidate, in printed form,
  5. Copy of the Minister Order containing the granting of the habilitation certificate and/or the quality of doctoral supervisor,
  6. Personal identification documents, simple copy: identity card 
  7. Documents attesting the completion of the minimal scientific performance standards, calculated and justified according to the minimal CNATDCU standards specific to the field and in force at the date of the affiliation request. These documents shall be signed by the candidate in printed and electronic (scan/pdf) form, and include the statutory declaration on fulfilling the minimal standards according to CNATDCU requirements specific to the field in force at the date of the affiliation request. 
(6). In the event that the documents mentioned in (2) – (5) are not in Romanian or English, they will be accompanied by the legalized translation into Romanian. 
(7). The documents shall be submitted in a file, both in print and electronically (scan/pdf) (if it is the case).
(8) In the case mentioned in (2), the file is submitted to the secretariat of the doctoral school and it shall receive the approval of CSD, CSUD and the Senate of the university.
(9). In the cases mentioned in (3), (4) and (5) CSUD, at the proposal of the Doctoral School in charge of the doctoral field targeted by the candidate, a Commission of internal check-up is appointed consisting of 3 members, usually doctoral supervisors/specialists in the doctoral field or a related field to the one requested for affiliation. This commission shall check within 10 days if the candidate’s file is complete and the minimal scientific performance standards set by  CNATDCU are met (in force at that particular date).
(10). Upon checking the affiliation file, the internal check-up Commission draws up a report stating the completion/ non-completion of minimal standards and the candidate’s eligibility.
  1. If the internal commission’s report is unfavourable, the resolution is motivated, the affiliation file is returned to the candidate, and the affiliation process is terminated. 
  2. If the internal commission’s report is favourable, the affiliation request is endorsed, and the affiliation file is remitted to the Council of the Doctoral School (CSD) in charge of the targeted doctoral field. The head of CSD summons the members of CSD, who shall validate / invalidate the request by vote. The affiliation request is considered validated if the “yes” vote is granted by fifty percent plus one of the number of doctoral supervisors, members of CSD. The result of the vote shall be recorded in minutes.
  3. If the vote result is favourable, the affiliation request is sent for endorsement to CSUD, and then for approval to the Senate of the university.
4.3. Organization and implementation of the process of withdrawing/ revoking the membership of Doctoral School within IOSUD – “Dunărea de Jos” University of Galaţi
(1). A doctoral supervisor affiliated to a doctoral school may request the revocation of the membership of a doctoral school (disaffiliation), and the CSD and CSUD take note of it. In this event, the doctoral supervisor loses his/her membership of the doctoral school within IOSUD-UDJG and may affiliate again only upon going through the entire affiliation procedure.
(2). In case that during the self-evaluation process of the performance of doctoral supervisors, as provided in the Methodology of Self-evaluation of the activity of IOSUD - ”Dunărea de Jos” University of Galați and the activity of the doctoral schools within IOSUD - ”Dunărea de Jos” University of Galați (and approved by the Senate Ordinance no.143 of 17 December 2018), there are doctoral supervisors who do not observe the calendar and do not submit within the stipulated timeframe the documents requested in a complete form and accompanied by all the necessary evidence, in view of drawing up the self-assessment report of the doctoral school in question, are subject to the automatic initiation of the revocation of the doctoral school membership in IOSUD-UDJG. The revocation decision of the doctoral school membership belongs to CSD, endorsed by CSUD and sent for approval to the University Senate.  
(3). If in the evaluation procedure of the activity of doctoral supervisors as stated in Methodology of Self-evaluation of the activity of IOSUD - ”Dunărea de Jos” University of Galați and the activity of the doctoral schools within IOSUD - ”Dunărea de Jos” University of Galați (and approved by the Senate Ordinance no.143 of 17 December 2018) it is found by the Council of the Doctoral School that a doctoral supervisor does not meet the minimal performance standards in force (approved by CNATDCU for his/her field of activity), CSD (based on art. 15. letter b in the Code of Doctoral University Studies) may initiate the revocation procedure of  the membership of Doctoral School for the doctoral supervisor in question, asking CSUD to start the present procedure.
  1. CSUD, at the proposal of the Council of Doctoral School managing the doctoral field affected by the revocation procedure, appoints an Internal Check-up Commission  consisting of 3 members, normally doctoral supervisors/ specialists in the doctoral field where the revocation is requested. This commission checks within 10 days the completion of the minimal standards of scientific performance set by CNATDCU which are in force, specific to the doctoral field in question.
  2. The internal check-up commission draws up a report recording the following:
  3. - meeting/ not meeting the minimal standards in the respective field of the Doctoral School,
    - proposing to revoke/ not to revoke the membership of the Doctoral School in question.
  4. If the report of the Internal Check-up Commission is favourable, viz. the doctoral supervisor meets the minimal standards of scientific performance set by CNATDCU and currently in force, the resolution is motivated, and the revocation procedure is terminated with no effects. 
  5. If the report of the Internal Check-up Commission confirms that the minimal standards of scientific performance set by CNATDCU in force at the date are nor met by the doctoral supervisor in question, the resolution is motivated, and the proposal is made in regard to revoking the doctoral supervisor’s membership of the Doctoral School, and the report, endorsed by CSD, is remitted to CSUD. The resolution of the Internal Check-up Commission is endorsed by CSUD and remitted for approval to the University Senate. The revoked doctoral supervisor may lodge a contestation within 5 working days since the Senate’s resolution, to be analysed by a contestation commission consisting of 3-5 members appointed by the Rector, who has to provide an answer within 5 working days since the lodging of the contestation. Revoking the doctoral supervisor’s membership of the Doctoral School in question shall be carried out/ shall be in force immediately after the contestation is finished or within 5 working days since the Senate’s resolution, in case there is no contestation.  
(4). Until the process of revoking the Doctoral School membership of the doctoral supervisor in question is complete, he/she shall meet all the requirements of this supervision as per the Code of doctoral university studies, and the Regulations of organising and performing doctoral university studies and postdoctoral programs in the “Dunărea de Jos” University of  Galaţi.
(5) Doctoral students under the supervision of the revoked (dis-affiliated) doctoral supervisor shall be assigned by the Council of the Doctoral School different supervisors who are members of the doctoral school, being supported in this approach by CSD.
(6) When the doctoral supervisor is replaced, each doctoral student in the situations described above shall sign an additional document to the Contract of Doctoral University Studies.

(1). The alteration of the present procedure shall be approved by  CSUD.
(2). The present procedure comes into force at the moment of its approval by CSUD.
(3). The CSUD Director checks the manner in which the present procedure is implemented.
6. Distribution list
  • Director CSUD;
  • Directors of Doctoral School;
  • Members CSUD;
  • Members CSD;
  • Secretariat;
  • Doctoral supervisors affiliated to IOSUD-UDJG.