The Workshop on "Digital technologies for interactive learning" took placeon January 26, 2024, an event organized by "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, through the Faculty of History, Philosophy and Theology, and the Faculty of Automation, Computer Sciences, Electronics andElectrical Engineering, in collaboration with Galati County School Inspectorate, Elementary School No. 28, and Elementary School "Mihail Sadoveanu" of Galati.

The theme of the workshop focused on the use of digital technologies in activities with the students, respectively their impact regarding the educational process in pre-university education.

The event was organized within the Erasmus+ project EXPLORATIONS IN THE DIGITAL WORLD PROJECT (ExdiWorld), 2021-1-TR01-KA220-SCH-000027804,a fact that also allowed disseminating the activities carried out during the implementation of the project, respectively the presentation of the results obtained.

The Workshop was attended by school inspectors, managers, teachers, and IT specialists from pre-university education in Galati, as well as a delegation from the Republic of Moldova, consisting of representatives of the Directorate-General for Education of Cahul, and computer science teachers from Cahul.

The participants had the opportunity to present different digital educational resources and provide examples of using digital technologies in working with the students.