"Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati participated yesterday in the official ceremony of the VIA Cahul Tourist Cluster, which took place inside the "Nicolae Botgros" Palace of Culture in Cahul. The VIA Cahul cluster is a tool for economic development in the Cahul region and aims to attract over 40 actors interested in tourism development in this region, representing tourism businesses, public authorities, research-development-innovation institutions, and catalyst institutions.

The specialization of the VIA Cahul Cluster is rural tourism, connected with other forms of tourism: spa and health (in Cahul) and agrotourism, cultural tourism, leisure, adventure, and wine tourism - in the area of the Biosphere Reserve "Prutul de Jos" included in UNESCO heritage.

The founding ceremony of the VIA Cahul Cluster was also attended by representatives of the Romanian Cluster Association CLUSTERO, the "Danubius" University of Galati, the State University of Moldova (TBC), representatives of some clusters from Galati, and the National Association for Inbound Tourism and Internal Affairs of the Republic of Moldova.

All the institutions that signed the Memorandum of Incorporation became founding members of the VIA Cahul Tourist Cluster.