"Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, through the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, in collaboration with the Psychiatric Hospital "Elisabeta Doamna" and in partnership with the Romanian Academy, organizes on March 23-27 in Galati, the European Conference on Psychiatry and Mental Health "Galatia 2022". The event will take place entirely online, on a platform specially created for the event. This year's theme is "Interdisciplinarity in Psychiatry."
Psychiatrists from the country and abroad, family doctors, doctors from other specialties who come into contact with psychiatry issues, pharmacists, psychologists, philosophers, sociologists, as well specialists from other fields of activity have already announced their participation in this important medical event.
Special guest is Dr. Silvana Galderisi, Professor of Psychiatry, Director of the Emergency Unit of the Department of Mental Health at the "Luigi Vanvitelli" the University of Campania. Coordinator of the Outpatient Unit for Anxiety and Psychotic Disorders and the Rehabilitation Program for Disorders He is the President-elect of the Italian Society of Psychopathology (SOPSI), the former President of the European Psychiatric Association (EPA), the Chair of the Standing Ethics Committee of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA) and the Co-Chair of the Working Group of the WPA "Implementing Alternative Constraints in Mental Health Care" .
The President of the conference, Professor Anamaria Ciubara, Ph.D., also has other world-class guests, important personalities in psychiatry and related disciplines, who will give the conference in plenary.
As in previous years, participation in the European Conference on Psychiatry and Mental Health "Galatia 2022" will provide participants with continuing education credits.
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